- President
- Mohammad Serajul Mawla
- Mechanical Engineer, BUET
- Managing Director, Saad Motors Ltd.
- Managing Director, SMT Energy Ltd.
“ I am seeking the kind attention of the concerned authorities to facilitate the installation of LPG Autogas stations by including some topics such as introducing ONE-STOP service in different concerned departments to prevent licensing complications, duty-free facility on for kits and parts required for conversion of vehicles to LPG at import stage, making consumer-friendly LPG purchase and sale policy, ensure consumer rights, withdrawal of 5% VAT at the storage stage and 2% VAT at the business stage, implement safety issues, maintain good relations with LPG operators and making amendment of the previous policy for the prosperous and golden future of this LPG Autogas sector ..See More”
“ LPG is clean-burning, has high energy value & gives better flame control, is easy to store, has no spillage, no soot, burners have a longer life, and hence maintenance is low. Environmental friendly fuel, with minimum Sulphur contents & Sulphur free emissions.”

- General Secretary
- Md. Hasin Parvez
- CEO, Green Fuel Technologies Ltd.
- Prop. Green
Fuel CNG
& LPG Conversion Center - Managing
Director at Green
Distribution Energy Services Ltd
Our Mission
Our primary goal is to secure the 800+ crores BDT investment in this sector by promoting LPG Autogas as an alternative, efficient and environment-friendly fuel.
Our Vision
We believe that new entrepreneurs will come forward in this business and we can make a mentionable amount of LPG converted vehicles considering the convenience, pricing and environmental issues.
Join With Us
Join with us to make our Community strong, Get better Services and Know more about Us
Join UsServices
Our Main Goal is to fulfill Members Claim and Demand Together.Our Major concern is to solve different difficulties of LPG Owners' and Improve the quality of LPG Service
Autogas Business
The body aims at enhancing the auto gas business in the country and defending customers’ interest through following government’s regulations and policies.
LPG Station Management
LPG Station and Conversion || LPG Autogas Station || LPG Distribution || Domestic LPG System
Central Committee
The central committee has been formed in a general meeting on 27 February, 2021. About 200 owners of autogas stations and conversion workshops were present at the meeting. Mohammad Serajul Mawla, Managing Director of Saad Motors and SMT Energy Ltd was elected as the President and Md. Hasin Parvez, Proprietor of Green Fuel CNG & LPG Conversion Center as the General Secretary of this association.

Engr. Mohammad Serajul Mawla
Managing Director, Saad Motors Ltd.
Vice President

Abdullah Al Kafee
Proprietor, Shatak Fuel Station
Vice President

Krishna Kanta Das
Proprietor, K.D LPG Station & Service Center
Vice President

T Mashfu Bobby
Managing Director, Super Gas Ltd.
Vice President

Md. Abdus Sabur Mea
Proprietor, Sobur & Co. Filling Station
Vice President

Md. Emamul Hasan
Proprietor, Sampan LPG Filling Station
Vice President

Sayeda Akter
Proprietor, I-ma LPG Autogas Filling Station & Conversion Workshop.
General Secretary

Md. Hasin Pervez
CEO, Green Fuel Technologies Ltd.
Joint General Secretary
Md. Ekbal Hosain
Proprietor, Rangpur LPG Autogas Station
Joint General Secretary

Mohammad Didarul Alam
Proprietor, Sagir Ahmed Autogas & Filling Station
Joint General Secretary

Md. Yaheya Hossain
Proprietor, Shaheen Filling Station & Conversion (LPG).
Finance Secretary

Md. Rashed-Ud-Doula Khan
Chairman, Khan Brothers CNG Ltd.
Joint Finance Secretary

Md. Mokbul Hosain
Proprietor, Mohua LPG autogas Filling Station
Organizing Secretary

Shafi Uddin Ahmed
Proprietor, Dhaka Refilling & Service Center Ltd.
Joint Organizing Secretary

Md. Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan
Proprietor, HK Filling Station
Joint Organizing Secretary

Moshiur Rahaman Hridoy
Proprietor, Nafi LPG Auto gas Filling Station & Conversion
Office Secretary

Engr. Md. Harisul Islam
Proprietor, Green LPG Autogas Station & Conversion Center
Joint Office Secretary

Soyful Alam
Proprietor, Soyful Alam LPG Filling Station
EC Member

Abdhus Shakur Chowdhury
Proprietor, Pinnacle Power LTD.
EC Member

Md. Golam Rasul
Proprietor, Mochik Samabay LPG Station
EC Member

Md. Farhad Hossen
Proprietor, F.K LPG Filling Station & Conversion Center
EC Member

Mohammed Ali Rumi
Proprietor, Taz LPG Filling & Conversion Center
EC Member

Engr. Feroz Jaman
Proprietor, Bandhu LPG Autogas Station & Conversion Center
Contact US
Contact Person:
Md. Mosharaf Hossain
House - 2, Road - 2, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216