Our Advisors

Name & Details
Dr. Mohammad A. Motalab
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, BUET
1. Issues related to LPG policy.
2.Safety issues of LPG autogas stations and conversion workshops.
3.Issues related to standardization of various equipment used in the LPG sector.
4. Accurate measurement issues in case of LPG supply.
5. Guidelines for domestic production used in the LPG sector utilising our domestic technology in order to reduce import dependency.
6. and trying as much as possible for other necessities.

Name & Details
Engr. Md. Moniruzzaman
Member, Board of Directors
Central Council Member (IEB)
1.Government policy formulation, amendment etc.
2.Safety issues of LPG autogas stations and conversion workshops.
3.Discussion with the government on issues of interest to the LPG sector.
4. Things to do to expand LPG business.
5. and try as much as possible for other necessities.

Name & Details
Engr. Mohammed Saidul Islam
Chairman, Advanced Equipment Limited
1. On the matters of policy making of the association.
2.Negotiations with LPG operators on purchase-selling price and other related matters.
3.Safety issues of the members of the association.
4. Issues related to LPG purchase (local / international).
5. Negotiations with the government on issues of interest to the LPG sector.
6. and try as much as possible for other necessities.

Name & Details
Dr. Shazzad Hosain
Professor, ECE Department, NSU
PhD in Computer Science, Wayne State University, USA
MSc Eng. from BUET
1. Providing advice on technological solutions on purchase & delivery of LPG autogas.
2. Automation Planning for autogas services with minimal human intervention.
3. Analyzing and determining security threats.